Painting, planting, trimming, and hammering, Brewster shakes off winter and gets ready to welcome spring with two not-to-be-missed events – Brewster in Bloom and the ageless annual alewife (herring) migration. Summer, of course, brings with it the countless pleasures of life lived outdoors along the shore. Take a walk along the John Wing Trail where you can believe yourself a discoverer embarking on uncharted territory, until you come upon its surprise, or follow the receding tide across the famous Brewster flats. Enjoy an evening concert at our bandstand by the bay or catch a play at our first-rate theater. Find a treasure at one of our many antique-filled shops. In the autumn, witness the harvesting of bright crimson cranberries, or stroll beneath the colors of fall in the Punkhorn Parklands.
After a snowstorm, a walk in Nickerson State Park is a joy, where only the sound of snow crunching underfoot breaks the stillness. Hard to imagine on a sunny July afternoon is the sight of the frozen foam that forms an eerie landscape along a stormy shore. Celebrate the season with the popular festivities of Brewster for the Holidays. We end our year with friends and neighbors singing carols at the general store. And somehow, we are never without an answer to the question, “But what do you do in the winter?”
Anytime of year, enjoy a trip along Route 6A, much of which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. You’ll see dozens of wonderful antique homes, a testament to the heritage of Brewster’s numerous sea captains who, knowing you can’t put down roots at sea, chose to establish themselves along the edge of Main Street. Brewster’s connection to the sea is all around us and even our baseball team’s name, the Brewster Whitecaps, reflects that association. In our cemeteries, you may visit the gravestones of those who formed and witnessed our history.
A town is measured in many ways, one of which is in its sense of community, and how it treats its residents, its guests, and its resources. As we move into the future, we carry with us the best of our past, an ever-increasing respect for our environment, and the excitement of the new.
We welcome you to share our town and all it has to offer and invite you to visit our Information Center in the back of the Brewster Town Offices on Main Street.